Thanks for checking out my website!
The inspiration for this website came from many of you. Some have asked me to give them insights on gold. Others have asked me about the insider’s perspective on life as the director of the Mint or as a White House staffer. Still others have asked me about fiscal and monetary policy. Many have asked encouraged me to write down my stories and organize my photos so that my girls will remember what dad did. The easiest way to do that is to put it all in a website.
This hasn’t been easy for me. Those who know me know that I am not self-centered (most of the time) and shun self-promotion. That might be a cultural byproduct of growing up in a Chinese-American household. And it might be a desire to live faithfully, and therefore be humble (to paraphrase Winston Churchill, I am a humble man with much to be humble about!). So while this website centers on me, I will focus on sharing insights that I hope you will find helpful and interesting.
To that end, I encourage you to contact me with your questions and I will use blog posts to answer them. I have been blessed with many unique experiences that have given me first hand knowledge in areas of interest to many of you. If I can contribute to your knowledge and understanding, and in that process grow in my knowledge and understanding, that would be give me great satisfaction. Consider yourselves partners in this endeavor.
So please enjoy yourself and come back again.
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