Ed Moy on Fox Business; America the Beautiful
America the Beautiful Quarters
TV interview with Fox Business
“It takes us about 10 cents. Labor and cost of materials to end up making a quarter. The federal reserve basically puts in on the balance sheet as 25 cents, that 15 cent difference goes to benefit the American taxpayers.”
“We produce 2 kinds of precious metal coins. One is bullion for financial investors. And that’s basically an ounce of gold or an ounce of silver. You should know that last year we sold 30 million ounces of gold and silver, making us the largest bullion maker in the world. In addition to that, we make precious metal collector coins our newest product, which people can buy off the US Mint website.
For more on this, check out Fox Business.
Tags: Coins, Public Service, United States Mint
Categorised in: News